  • * 식품명으로 검색하신 후 원하는 식품이 포함되어 있는 식품원재료 분류상 소분류 로도 검색하셔야 됩니다.
    (예시 : 복숭아에 대한 기준을 검색하여 확인 후, 핵과류에 대한 기준도 검색하여 확인)
  • Walnuts(호두)
    Water dropwort(미나리)
    Welsh Onion(파)
    Welsh Onion(Dried)(파(건조))
    Wheat bran, Processed(Wheat bran, Processed)
    Wheat bran, Unprocessed(Wheat bran, Unprocessed)
    Wheat flour(밀가루)
    Wheat germ(Wheat germ)
    Wheat straw and fodder, Dry(Wheat straw and fodder, Dry)
    Wheat wholemeal(Wheat wholemeal)
    White-flower gourd(박)
    Wild garlic(산마늘)
    Wild Garlic(달래)
    Wild garlic leaf(산마늘잎)
    Wild rice(Wild rice)
    Winter Mushroom(팽이버섯)
    Winter squash(Winter squash)
    Witloof chicory (sprouts)(Witloof chicory (sprouts))
    * From January 1, 2019, for any agricultural product whose MRL is not listed under Annex 4 of Food Code, a uniform MRL of 0.01 mg/kg shall be applied (called “pesticide PLS”).

    * Please refer to 'Classification of Food Ingredients' in Food Code for more accurate searches.
    Group MRL shall apply If there is no MRL for an agricultural commodity.
    (ex: Orange → Citrus fruits → Fruits)